Angelina Jolie disgusted by Brad Pitts artichoke-induced gas

Publish date: 2024-06-02

The Enquirer really missed the boat with their b.s. cover story this week, “Oprah’s Employees Tell All”. There isn’t much dirt on Oprah in that article and the story inside is pretty tame. The better story, and the one which should have made the cover, is all about Brad Pitt’s nasty gas after he eats a bunch of artichokes he soaks in vodka. I’m not kidding, although maybe the Enquirer is. Supposedly Brad likes to mix up his own exotic cocktails and sometimes the results make him flatulent, pissing off Angelina and driving her off to another bedroom. First of all, how cool would it be to get some exotic drink recipes from Brad Pitt? I would love to mix up some drinks he recommends, even if they have unexpected consequences. Second of all, who is going to kick Brad Pitt out of bed for farting? I guess Angelina would, and maybe if I put up with the guy for years I’d do the same, wealth and beauty be damned.

Title: Ill Wind Blows in Pitt Household
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war again – this time over his love of artichokes!

The big-screen hunk, 46, has been marinating the veggies in vodka for an evening cocktail, sources say. But Angie, 35, complains his concoctions have smelly side effects that affect the couple’s sx life.

“Brad has always had a passion for homemade cocktails, and takes a lot of pride in coming up with new and unique recipes,” a source tells the Enquirer.

The father of six loves the flavor of the bizarre artichoke-infused vodka drinks, according to insiders, but they’ve had an unfortunate side effect.

“Brad gets some nasty gas from consuming so many artichokes, and it’s driving poor Angelina crazy,” divulged a second source.

“It’s gotten so bad that Angie sometimes sleeps in a separate bedroom!”

Despite that, Brad – who grows the artichokes on his own land – has no intention of curtailing his latest passion.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, October 11, 2010]

I wonder how that tastes. I love green olives and like to throw a ton in my drinks and on my salads, but I’m not a big fan of artichokes. They seem too chewy and rough, but maybe I’ll try this despite the side effects.

I have to apologize to Kaiser for covering this story as she usually gets dibs on all Brangelina coverage. Since I’m married I feel I’m qualified to comment on this, though. We all have moments when our partner makes us want to sleep somewhere else. If there were another bedroom I could retreat to, there are definitely times I would do it. This story is probably crap, no pun intended, although it’s so odd I’m inclined to believe it.

Brad Pitt is shown outside The Grove in LA on 9/25/10. Credit: Fame Pictures. He’s also shown filming with Robin Wright on 9/30. Credit: Shinn/Fame Pictures. He’s shown with Angelina on 7/19/10. Credit:





