Armored Core 6: Complete multiplayer PvP guide

Publish date: 2024-06-28

Armored Core 6’s multiplayer PvP is often more fun and engaging than the base game itself, providing an opportunity to try out and face some of the more unique mech load-outs that the community comes up with. You will be able to join lobbies and participate in 1v1 and 3v3 modes, allowing you to boot the game up with your friends and enjoy some mech-on-mech action.

However, many in the community aren’t exactly sure how to boot up multiplayer in the title. As there is a requisite you will need to meet before unlocking it, some players cannot play the game with their friends as soon as they boot the title for the first time.

Therefore, today’s Armored Core 6 guide will go over everything you will need to know about the PvP multiplayer mode.

Unlocking PvP multiplayer in Armored Core 6

To unlock the multiplayer mode in Armored Core 6, you will be required to complete Chapter 2 of the campaign. The specific mission you will need to beat is called “Ocean Crossing,” and to reach it, you must complete each of the following missions mentioned below:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Once you have completed Ocean Crossing, you can unlock multiplayer in Armored Core 6.

Joining a Multiplayer game in Armored Core 6

To be able to join a multiplayer match in Armored Core 6, you will need to select the Nest option from the main menu once it unlocks. Then, make your way to “Custom Match,” where you can either create a room or join a session.

In creating a room, you will get to set the map, along with player capacity. You can also add the keywords, making it easier for your friends to find your created lobby. However, if it’s a private lobby, you will need to be the one to send out the player invites.

If you are looking for a lobby, you will be given a list of all the available lobbies in the region that you have selected. Click on the lobby you want to visit, then select “join.” After you are in, you will be able to edit your mech and select “ready” to start the match.

All PvP Multiplayer game types in Armored Core 6

There are only two multiplayer modes that you will be able to enjoy in Armored Core 6: 1v1 and 3v3. There are no respawns like in other FromSoftware titles; the first to reach two wins will be the winner of the match.

If there is a draw, it will be counted as a win for both you and the opponent. There will also be a time limit, and in 1v1, the mech with the most health will win, and in 3v3, the team with the most points will win.

In 3v3, players can earn points by taking down the opponent AC. Players who have been alive for long will also be worth more points, and you should be looking to take them out.

Additionally, players with the most kills will be worth bonus points and will provide you with additional takedown points once you beat them.

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