Burt Reynolds loves toupees & Angelina Jolie, but hates Paul Thomas Anderson

Publish date: 2024-06-06


Burt Reynolds has been promoting his latest memoir, But Enough About Me, for a few months now. I came close to covering some of his drama about his neverending love for Sally Field, but I ended up in a ceaseless debate with myself about whether anyone would find it interesting. After reading Burt’s new GQ interview though, I pulled the trigger on covering some of this stuff. His GQ interview is… really good. I mean, the guy is 79 years old and he’s at that stage of life where he really doesn’t care if he’s alienating anyone. Plus, he knew everyone and he has some great stories. You can read the full GQ piece here and here are some highlights:

Why men are a—holes: “It’s God’s fault. We just do what we are programmed to do. But if I knew why, life would be easier. I’m not sure why I was an asshole. I just hope I can fix some of it.”

The definition of an a—hole: “Someone who can’t think about anything or anyone but themselves. You see it most, of course, in Hollywood. People who can’t talk about anything but their next picture. Or their women. Or their conquests of women. Hollywood, of course, has a preponderance of a–holes. More famous people than not are a–holes.

On crazy women: “Well, crazies are the sexiest. They also have an ability to be really smart. They come after you and give you a “sh-t or get off the pot” ultimatum. And of course you don’t want to lose them because they are so full of life. Or so it seems. At some point, you hear the voice telling you to run… And you are, at that point, not in love with logic. You are in love with beauty. You are blinded. We forget the ocean is beautiful and deep and vast. But it can change on you in a flash and drown you. I mean, I knew that I was making a mistake [with Loni Anderson] the day I walked down the aisle at the church. I’ll never forget: I looked at my mother in the pew, and she was just shaking her head.”

His love of toupees: “You know, if I had it to do over again, I would do it natural. Not wear a toupee. But I ended up seeing this guy William Shatner sent me to. Edward Katz. He’s a genius at what he does. Best guy in the business. Because his pieces are so hard to spot. And he listens. He gets it. And he tells you what’s best. Most guys with toupees overcompensate. They want too much hair. They end up piling it high, looking like a weird flower. But if someone offered me a movie now—and I’m still waiting for one—I’d go back to my natural look. With whatever I have left up there.”

He’d love to work with Peter Bogdanovich & Angelina Jolie: “Peter Bogdanovich. But the trouble with Peter is he’s brilliant with someone else’s writing. Not his own writing. I’m not sure what he’s up to now. And I’d like to work with Clint again. And Angelina Jolie. I think she’s a great director. She has what her father has. Talent. And charisma. She always has. I remember even when she was ten she was already provocative. I said to Jon one day, “You have big problems.” He asked what I was talking about. I said, “She’s going to be unbelievably beautiful when she grows up and men are going to fall hard for her.” He just laughed. She was stunning even as a girl.”

What he thinks of his ‘Boogie Night’ director Paul Thomas Anderson: “Personality-wise, we didn’t fit. I think mostly because he was young and full of himself. Every shot we did, it was like the first time [that shot had ever been done]. I remember the first shot we did in Boogie Nights, where I drive the car to Grauman’s Theater. After he said, “Isn’t that amazing?” And I named five pictures that had the same kind of shot. It wasn’t original. But if you have to steal, steal from the best.

[From GQ]

I’m not a big believer in anyone just throwing up their hands and saying, “Meh, I was programmed to be an a—hole.” No. Human beings are not computers. We are all capable of change, and just because you admit that you’re an a—hole, you should still try to change and “reprogram” yourself. Unless being an a—hole works for you, which it might for Burt.

He mentions in the piece that he and Jon Voight have been friends for decades, which actually surprised me a little bit. I just didn’t know they were still close. But it makes sense that Burt would have met Angelina when she was a little girl. I’m slightly disturbed that he refers to a 10-year-old as “provocative” though. I mean… really?

Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet and WENN.
