Fence Lady drama explained as Canadanians fight takes social media by storm

Publish date: 2024-06-06

In a recently viral video on social media, a woman, who has been called the "Fence Lady" by netizens, can be seen tearing down a fence that her neighbors constructed to separate their homes. However, the video initially showed the neighbor, who built the fence, as a victim.

Waves of support for the party portraying herself as the victim persisted until the elderly neighbor, known as the "Fence Lady," created a video and completely transformed the online narrative.

The video was posted to TikTok on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. According to the video, the neighbor, Tiffany, had to erect an eight-foot metal wall between her house and the one next door due to a moody, entitled woman who lives next door.

On TikTok, this woman has become extremely popular. Once the same video was uploaded on YouTube, it gained a lot of traction. People went to the comment section of the video uploaded by @greenisnotnick to express their opinion and judgment regarding the entire drama. Some people supported Tiffany, while other supported the "Fence Lady."

Netizens reacted after the neighbours' dispute video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)

Netizens' opinions remain divided after the Fence Lady releases a video sharing her side of the story

Recently, a woman described how her neighbor used a chainsaw to destroy her private fence, but the incident has divided netizens online.

Tiffany Mraj, a Canadian from Toronto, used TikTok as a platform to express her rage over having her fence demolished without her consent. Recent days have seen the confrontations between the families over the boundaries of their properties and a wooden fence separating them.

The drama took over the internet (Image via X / @RE_MarketWatch / Getty Images)

Tiffany claimed that the woman who lives next to her parents "has taken our fence down without any papers, has threatened our contractors, and has caused chaos in the neighborhood." She further alleged that her neighbor, who is known for "causing chaos," gave her husband instructions to tear down the fence with a chainsaw.

As soon as the video was posted, it instantlt gained popularity on social media, drawing viewers from all across the internet. The first video shows the "Fence Lady" and her husband chopping the top off of the backyard fence while swearing at each other.

On the other hand, a video shared by the old lady showed Tiffany spraying the woman with water from a hose. That elevated the situation to outright assault, according to a lawyer on TikTok. She disclosed that the fence is undeniably on her property, according to a survey she had done.

Once the video got viral, it garnered a lot of reactions from the netizens. Some people supported Tiffany, whereas others favored the old lady after they came to know her side of the story. As such, netizens took to YouTube and commented under the video uploaded by @greenisnotnick to express their opinions on the matter.

Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the fence lady video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)
Netizens reacted after the video got out (Image via X / greenisnotnick)

Previous case of neighborhood dispute in Canada

Before the Fence Lady drama, there have been multiple reports of neighbor disputes in Canada. According to the CBC, a Montreal man named Neall Epstein, 45, was detained in May 2021 after flashing two middle fingers at Naccache, with whom he had previously clashed. According to the same sources, Epstein was then accused of criminal harassment.

Court documents stated that 34-year-old Michael Naccache claimed Epstein flicked him off and made a throat-slashing gesture with his fingers, which he took offense to. Naccache reportedly admitted to the authorities that he was afraid for his life.

Another neighbouring dispute was taken to the court (Image via Getty Images)

In May 2023, two years after the case had been brought to court, Quebec Court Judge Dennis Galiatsatos ruled Epstein of not being guilty. He upheld the man's use of the offensive gesture in a quarrel with his neighbor to be a "God-given" right protected by freedom of expression.

He asserted that giving someone the finger is not illegal. According to Judge Dennis Galiatsatos:

"Flipping the proverbial bird is a God-given, Charter-enshrined right that belongs to every red-blooded Canadian. It may not be civil, it may not be polite, it may not be gentlemanly. Nevertheless, it does not trigger criminal liability."

Thus, the matter was settled with Galiatsatos' ruling of Epstein not being of the charges made against him.

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