How did Buggy become a Yonko?

Publish date: 2024-06-18

Buggy's luck still hasn't run out with One Piece Chapter 1058. He's not particularly strong by any means, but he still holds power in the political atmosphere. However, this is due to a series of misunderstandings by the World Government.

Buggy was recently crowned a Yonko by doing absolutely nothing on his part. One Piece Chapter 1058 finally provides an explanation for what happened. Needless to say, it's as silly as readers imagined it would be.

The chapter goes into extra detail about the formation of the Cross Guild, which also contains Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views and contains manga spoilers.

Buggy the Clown failed upwards yet again in One Piece Chapter 1058

Buggy just had to put his face in the center of a poster

One Piece Chapter 1058 shows that Crocodile and Mihawk are unhappy with Buggy's recent promotion to Yonko status. It turns out that someone in the World Government took a wrong look at their official posters.

When the Cross Guild was formed, Buggy sent out several advertisements for his organization. Much to his chagrin, he was placed dead center on the poster, with Crocodile and Mihawk by his side. Buggy surprised everyone when he was mistaken as the new leader of the Cross Guild.

One Piece Chapter 1058 reveals how Buggy's subordinates couldn't help themselves with the poster arrangement. They really wanted to make him stand out, so they sent the posters to every corner of the world. Naturally, it caught the attention of the Marines.

Buggy's infamous reputation didn't help

One Piece Chapter 1058 eventually cuts to a scene at the Marine headquarters. The organization considers Buggy to be a dangerous enemy for several reasons.

First, the Cross Guild recently placed bounties on the Marines. Buggy also has a prominent history with the Roger Pirates, not to mention a relationship with Shanks.

A series of misunderstandings have made Buggy an even bigger threat. Crocodile just rescued him from the Marines not too long ago. He wanted Buggy to repay what he was owed.

However, the Marines mistakenly believed that Crocodile was a subordinate who merely followed orders. It also didn't help that Buggy was given credit for the Impel Down escape years ago.

Thus, readers finally know why Buggy was declared a Yonko in One Piece Chapter 1058. He was simply in the right place at the right time. The official Cross Guild posters cemented his status as the perceived leader.

Of course, Crocodile and Mihawk are running the show

Many readers have predicted that Crocodile is the real mastermind of the Cross Guild. Buggy isn't brave enough to go up against the Marines by himself. The most recent chapter directly confirms readers' suspicions.

A flashback sequence showed that Crocodile wanted to work alongside Mihawk for pragmatic reasons. The World Government would have had to think really carefully about going after them. Buggy only went along for the ride when he promised to pay back Crocodile.

Despite their unhappiness over Buggy stealing credit from them, Crocodile and Mihawk figured they were better off in this situation.

Buggy would get all the unwanted attention of being declared a Yonko. In a way, everything turned out to be for the best in this organization.

Disclaimer: All external media in this article are the property of their respective owners, and Sportskeeda claims no ownership of the same.

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