How to get Vidars Might Armor Set for Kratos

Publish date: 2024-06-07

God of War Ragnarok is filled with powerful Armor Sets for Kratos to wear. While playing the storyline, gamers will constantly upgrade Kratos and Atreus’ Armor Sets and weapons to survive some of the toughest encounters.

Players will find a steady stream of Armor as they progress through the storyline, and one such formidable set is the Vidar’s Might Armor Set. This particular Armor Set may not be very flashy, but it offers some distinctive advantages for Kratos early on in the game.

Read further to learn how to collect each Vidar’s Might Armor Set component and where to head in order to craft it.

How to collect all the parts of Vidar’s Might Armor Set in God of War Ragnarok

Obtain Vidar’s Pauldron of Might from the chest by slaying Thor (Image via Santa Monica Studio)

Players can obtain the Vidar’s Might Armor Set early in the storyline. Like all other Armor Sets, Vidar’s Might also comes with three distinctly upgradable parts. These are Vidar’s Pauldron of Might, Vidar’s Bracers of Might, and Vidar’s Belt of Might.

Obtaining the Vidar’s Pauldron of Might is easy, as players need to complete the "Surviving Fimbulwinter" quest to get it as a reward. It’s an unmissable part of the storyline. The remaining two parts, i.e., the Bracers of Might and the Belt of Might, can be crafted in exchange for Hacksilvers once the Armor crafting option is made available in God of War Ragnarok.

Where to craft Vidar’s Might Armor Set?

Craft the rest of the parts from Sindri’s House in God of War Ragnarok (Image via Santa Monica Studio)

Once the players have Vidar’s Pauldron of Might with them, they need to continue progressing along the storyline and finish the Path Quest, “The Quest for Tyr.”

After completing “Quest for Tyr,” players need to head towards Sindri’s House or Brok’s Workshop to craft the other two components, i.e., Vidar’s Bracers and Belt of Might, by spending 500 Hacksilvers each.

This is how players can get the complete Vidar’s Might Armor Set in God of War Ragnarok.

Vidar’s Might Armor Set: Stats and upgrades

The Bracers of Might and Belt of Might can be crafted by spending 500 Hacksilvers on each item (Image via Santa Monica Studio)

Vidar’s Might Armor is a handy one to have at Kratos’ disposal. This particular Armor Set significantly boosts Kratos’ attacking prowess, strength, and defense. If you enjoy playing quick attacking combos, then Vidar’s Might Armor is the go-to Armor Set to have in God of War Ragnarok at your disposal.

Here’s a brief about each component that makes up Vidar’s Might:

Pauldron of Might

Players get the Pauldron of Might after defeating Thor in the "Surviving Fimbulwinter" quest. This grants Kratos an ability called Relentless Might, which gives Kratos’ combos a high luck percentage chance and stagger resistance for a few seconds.

At Level 1, Pauldron of Might comes with only 5 Strength and 3 Defense. Players should keep spending Hacksilvers on this item and upgrade it to Level 9. At its maximum potential, the stats exponentially increase to 116 Strength and 68 Defense.

Vidar’s Bracers

Upgrading the Bracers of Might grants Kratos an ability called Finishing Might, which gives an additional 10 percent damage boost to combos.

At level 1, the Bracers of Might come with 5 Strength at a cost of 500 Hacksilvers. Keep upgrading it to level 9 to increase the base Strength to 115.

Belt of Might

Vidar’s Belt of Might complements the Bracers, and upgrading it can increase the damage input of attacking combos by up to 20 percent. Spend 500 Hacksilvers to craft the Belt of Might. At level 1, it offers 3 Strength and 2 Defense.

Keep upgrading Vidar’s Belt to level 9 to increase the stats to 40 Strength and 74 Defense.

Vidar’s Might Armor Set: A quick summary of how to get

To wrap things up, here are the pointers to keep in mind when trying to procure all the components of Vidar’s Might Armor Set in God of War Ragnarok:

This wraps up our guide on how to conjure Vidar's Might Armor Set in God of War Ragnarok. Make sure to keep upgrading each part of the Armor Set.

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