Learn How to Spatchcock a Turkey

Publish date: 2024-06-22

To spatchcock a turkey, you need a pair of sharp kitchen shears, big knife, possibly a small paring knife and, of course, your turkey.

Flip the turkey breast side down and turn the neck side towards you. Using a pair of kitchen shears, cut down the back of the turkey starting at the neck. Follow the spine down to the tail, cutting through each bone.

You may run into a big bone toward of the middle of the turkey. If the scissors aren't doing the trick, switch over to a knife.

Once you've cut one side, just do the same to the other.

Remove the entire backbone and flip the turkey over, breast-side up.

Place both hands on the center of the turkey breast and press down firmly to break the breast bone. Need more leverage? Stand on a kitchen stool.

Once broken, tuck the wings back below the bird and huzzah! You've got a spatchcock turkey.

Now, don't throw away the backbone. Cut it in half, place it in a pan and it's a great base for stock., with root vegetables and any herbs you like.

Bring the stock water up to a boil, reduce the heat and gently simmer it for an hour to an hour and a half. Cool to room temperature, strain your liquids and you have a delicious home stock.
