Leonardo DiCaprio will pull a Christian Bale & lose 30 lbs for Inception

Publish date: 2024-06-28


It feels like body image day here on Celebitchy, what with that size-12 Glamour model story, and yesterday’s Helena Bonham-Carter swimsuit story. Some of us (me) can get a little sensitive when people with utterly normal, healthy bodies get criticized, but I hope you will forgive my snark on this one. Leonardo DiCaprio is going on a diet! Thank God. Now, I know, it’s a double standard. Leonardo has never been fat. And for many years there, he actually gave off a whiff of manorexia. But for a while now, Leo’s been having fun with the carbs, and the carbs have been throwing a little party on Leo’s gut and chin(s). But no more! Leo is going on a diet – and it’s all for his new film, Inception:

Leonardo DiCaprio gets tangled up in a fight scene for his new film Inception, currently being shot in Morocco. And Radaronline.com has learned you can expect to see a lot less of Leo.

The heartthrob actor has embarked on a major crash diet in the hopes of losing weight before the end of the year – and he’s not enjoying it one bit.

“Leo needs to shed at least 30lbs,” says a set source on Inception, the hotly anticipated action flick written by Batman director Christopher Nolan.

“He’s gained weight recently and looks almost a bit flabby, which isn’t good, especially as the camera adds pounds. There’s an action scene coming up at the end of the year in which he needs to appear emaciated, so the pressure is on.”

“Leo isn’t the kind of guy who can just lose a radical amount of weight though – he gets very nervous about it. He’s following a strict diet and is embarking on a rigorous workout regime.”

He hopes to lose the weight through the old fashioned way of cutting back on calories and upping his exercise. Leo’s a pretty determined kind of guy, when he sets his mind to things he always achieves them. Though this is going to be hard for him, you can guarantee he’ll succeed.”

[From Radar]

Judging Leo from his last vacation pictures – when he was hanging out shirtless in Ibiza – Leo could lose about 10 to 15 pounds and he would look great, and really toned. Thirty pounds seems to be pushing it. Thirty pounds would make him look unhealthy, I think. But maybe that’s the point – he doesn’t need to be toned for the film, he needs to be “emaciated”. Let’s hope he doesn’t start looking like a crackhead (see: Christian Bale).

Does Leo really need to look emaciated though? I don’t know anything about this film Inception. Let me look it up… hot damn, this movie has a great cast! Leo, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Michael Caine, Ken Watanabe, Cillian Murphy… and of my new favorite British actors, Tom Hardy! I love that kid. He’s so sexy. As far as the plot of Inception, all I can find out is “A CEO-type becomes involved in a blackmailing scandal.” Hm… that could go either way. I hope it’s good.

Here’s Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page filming scenes for “Inception” in Paris last Wednesday. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.
