Lil Tay accuses her "abusive" father of swatting her house in a recent Instagram story

Publish date: 2024-06-25

Days after her return with a music video, rapper Lil Tay has come out accusing her father of swatting her. In a series of Instagram stories that she recently posted, the 16-year-old singer revealed that the police were called to her house in a swatting incident and alleged that it was her father who was apparently trying to stop her from exposing his abusive behavior.

For context, a few days before she released the music video titled SUCKER 4 GREEN, Lil Tay had posted on Instagram, accusing her father of being abusive and creating the death hoax from a few weeks ago. Today, she posted short clips on her story calling him out by the name of Chris Hope and saying that he was sending the police to her house to stop her from exposing his racist behavior.

Accusing him of domestic violence and s*xual abuse, the singer angrily stated:

"You swatted my house, you f*cking psycho! My abusive father Chris Hope, swatted me. To prevent me from continuing to expose his racism, misogyny, s*xually abusive behavior, and domestic violence."

She also claimed that the swatting would not silence her and that she was doing it for "all girls and women":

"You cannot f*cking stop me. You cannot f*cking silence me. This is not just for myself but all girls and women."

"Seems fishy": Social media unconvinced with Lil Tay's allegations against father for swatting her

A clip of both the Instagram stories, where Lil Tay specifically accused her father of swatting with the intention of silencing her, has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter). Considering that a fake death post about her went viral a few weeks ago, the clip of her allegations garnered quite a few viewers.

However, not many have been understanding of her allegations. While swatting is quite common among online celebrities, with livestreamers and YouTubers frequently dealing with the realities of getting the cops called on them as a prank, some were not convinced by her allegation that it was her father.

Many people on social media did not believe her (Image via X)

One X user even stated that if the father had indeed called the cops, he would have been arrested.

Some have even said that she was doing this for attention.

Lil Tay became famous years ago through YouTube and was once seen dissing the likes of RiceGum. At this moment, it is not clear whether it was her father who swatted her. However, her return has been quite successful.

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