Megan Anderson accuses James Krause of having affair with Laura Sanko and blames him for Amanda Nune

Publish date: 2024-06-06

Former UFC featherweight contender Megan Anderson has made some serious allegations against her former coach James Krause and reporter Laura Sanko.

The Australian fighter has been out of the octagon since losing to Amanda Nunes in March 2021. Following that defeat, Anderson parted ways with the UFC.

Many were expecting Anderson to turn up at another MMA organization, but she never did. Earlier this year, the 32-year-old revealed that she was no longer actively pursuing fights and that she'd left her camp, Glory MMA.

Fans haven't heard from Anderson since, but she recently broke her silence on social media. In a now-deleted tweet, Anderson posted a screenshot where she accused Krause of not giving her enough attention in the lead-up to the fight. The post read:

"When you only received 1 x 30min pad session a week for the entire seven months I was IN camp and received no other individual coaching, no one picking my training partners/rounds or even coaching me through those rounds the entire time, when no matter how many times I asked to sit down to talk about a game plan an excuse was always given for it to to never happen, then it’s not throwing them under the bus… It’s saying exactly what happened."

What's more, she dragged UFC reporter Sanko into the issue. In a separate tweet, Anderson hinted that the ESPN reporter was having an affair with her former trainer.

Check out the tweets below:

However, Anderson's former training partner Jeff Molina refuted her claims. 'El Jefe' claimed that Anderson was lazy and asked to sit out rounds. He added that Anderson only made the accusations to throw Krause further under the bus.

See Jeff Molina's response to Megan Anderson:

Krause is under investigation for suspicious gambling activities. The MMA coach has openly promoted his Discord channel, where he gives out fight picks to thousands of UFC fans.

Megan Anderson compares her treatment to Brandon Moreno

In her long-winded tirade, Megan Anderson also noted that the Glory MMA coaches showed preferential treatment toward Brandon Moreno.

She claimed that 'The Assassin Baby' received personalized training sessions while she only had one session of pad work every week over the course of seven months:

"Now Brandon had a personalized session every day, whenever he traveled for [the] UFC Spanish broadcast, the coach traveled with him to make sure he had personalized training at all times."

The former UFC flyweight champ moved to Glory MMA earlier this year from Entram Gym.

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