Miley Cyrus producer insists she doesnt dance with Molly in new single

Publish date: 2024-06-09

Miley Cyrus

Here’s Miley Cyrus all in white as she rides high on her mediocre comeback song that has inexplicably climbed to #1 on the iTunes singles chart. Don’t ask me how that happened because it makes no sense at all. Clearly, Miley doesn’t have the voice for rock or pop, and I think she should record a country album. That would be amazing, right? I don’t think Miley will go there though because that’s probably too Hannah Montana: The Movie for her taste, and she desperately wants to escape her childhood and teenage image.

Anyway, we already briefly discussed some of the lyrics to “We Can’t Stop,” which includes talk of doing “lines in the bathroom.” Miley revealed on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show that “Everyone always judges and says what they want, but my fans . . . have really stood by me no matter what I’ve been through. And this is a song that says where I’m at in my life right now.” That is, Miley would have us believe that her life right now is a bunch of parties and doing whatever she wants. I guess that might be true, but it sounds like she’s singing the following lyrics: “We like to party/ Dancing with Molly/ Doing whatever we want/ This is our house/ This is our rules and we can’t stop/ And we won’t stop.” Well, Miley’s producer has told TMZ that Miley is not singing about Molly/Ecstasy but about herself … “dancing with Miley.” Hmm:

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is NOT singing about ecstasy in her new single “We Can’t Stop” … despite what seems to be an OBVIOUS lyrical reference to the drug … so says the guy who produced the track.

The controversy is centered around the hook of the song — in which it SOUNDS like Miley’s saying, “We like to party/ Dancing with Molly/ Doing whatever we want.”

Unhip Old Person Translation: “Dancing with Molly” is slang for partying on ecstasy.

But a rep for the song’s producer Mike WiLL Made It tells TMZ … the whole thing is a giant misunderstanding because what Cyrus is REALLY singing is … “Dancing with MILEY.”

As for the lyric about people “trying to get a line in the bathroom” … the rep wouldn’t say if Miley was talking about cocaine … but HELLO?!?!?!?

[From TMZ]

I don’t know if I buy this excuse because it sounds like Miley planted the nebulous “Molly/Miley” (and honestly, she was mumbling her lyrics) to generate some controversy. That’s probably all this is. Sure, she smokes pot on balconies, but I’d hope that Miley isn’t going any harder than that when it comes to recreational substances.

One thing is for sure though. Miley’s body just won’t quit. White can be a very unforgiving color, but there’s not a roll on her anywhere. Some outlets are claiming that she’s showing sideboob here, but I’m not seeing it. The “boob” looks like pinky finger holding the purse from below.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
