NBA 2K YouTuber Gawd Triller fatally wounded in car crash

Publish date: 2024-06-24

The NBA 2K community was shaken by the death of prominent YouTuber Gawd Triller who was killed in a car accident in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan.

The YouTuber and his girlfriend were rear-ended by another driver on I-94 near Mt. Elliot, losing control of their vehicle and crashing into the center median. The wounded passenger exited the car but was struck by another vehicle that killed them. He was 24.

Gawd Triller had been a YouTuber for over a decade

He was an NBA 2K YouTuber and content creator who made his channel in 2010. A child at the time, he uploaded gameplay of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Halo: Reach gameplay.

As a young adult, Triller began to take content creation more seriously, uploading NBA 2K gameplay and uploading more frequently. His channel took off in 2017 and 2018.

The YouTuber’s impressive pro gaming skills helped him garner a sizable following on the platform. By making fun of the opponent, he successfully made his audience laugh.

As of 2022, his YouTube channel has over 500,000 subscribers. He is the brother of YouTuber SoLLUMINATI, who has over 2 million subscribers on his main channel.

Early in the morning on August 27, Triller and his girlfriend were out in their Ford Fusion that was struck by a Kia. The driver lost control and slammed into the median.

While they somehow managed to escape the vehicle, a man driving a Jeep Liberty as in the left lane fatally struck Triller and his girlfriend. Both were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. No one else was injured in the six-car crash.

The driver who fatally struck the two was arrested at the scene by police, allegedly showing signs of being impaired by drugs or alcohol. Police are reportedly in the process of receiving a blood draw to determine if the driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Gawd Triller was 24 years old at the time of his death. His sister, who goes by brisimonee on Instagram, posted a video of the aftermath of the car accident and multiple photos and videos in the memorium of the YouTuber's life.

"Can't believe you gone bro. I'm literally hurting so bad, I feel so empty without you here."

Gawd Triller's family, friends, fans, and the NBA 2K community are now mourning the loss of one of their own.

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