Nikki Bella Opens Up About The Pressure To Snap Back Right After Having A Baby!

Publish date: 2024-06-08

Nikki Bella is a new mom and that is her main focus! Taking care of a newborn is hard enough as it is so the star would like for the pressure to ‘snap back’ right after giving birth to go away!

The Bella twin has been really open about her struggles after welcoming her son, including with postpartum depression so she did not shy away from sending an important message to fellow moms this time either!

While on Ashley Graham’s Pretty Big Deal podcast with her twin sister, Brie, Nikki stressed that she will continue to be open and honest about her experience.

‘What I have realized is that, as moms, we do not talk about that enough because I believe we feel like everybody then automatically thinks that we hate our baby if we say we’ve postpartum depression, which, that is not it at all.’ It’s totally the battle within yourself, within your partner [or] significant other. Especially for career women, I think.’

Nikki went on to explain that ‘We go from like these major careers and then we are here. And then I am looking in the mirror and I think us, in the spotlight, there is so much pressure to get back to where we were in a very short amount of time.’

Ashley agreed, saying that ‘the snapback – It’s bulls**t.’

This prompted the twins to exclaim in unison: ‘It’s SUCH bulls**t!’

Nikki added that ‘It messes with you. Someone the other day was like, ‘Gosh, she is still big!’ and I was like ‘Excuse me?”

At least the sisters have each other for unconditional support and Brie even stopped Nikki from confronting that rude person.

But that is not all! Nikki Bella also revealed that she is currently getting a lot of help from a life coach as well!

According to her, she makes Nikki grab the parts of her body she does not like at this point and tells her to thank them for making her son and keeping him safe during the pregnancy.


For more, check out the whole interview!
