Shia Labeouf said before DUI that he couldnt stop at one drink

Publish date: 2024-06-20

22 year-old up and coming actor Shia Labeouf received a misdemeanor DUI charge after an accident in Hollywood early Sunday morning. His Ford truck rolled over when he was hit by another vehicle while making a left turn at a light. Luckily Shia’s passenger and the driver of the other vehicle both escaped with only minor injuries. Shia hurt his left hand badly, though, and had to have “extensive surgery” to repair the damage.

Details Magazine has an upcoming cover and interview with Shia, and he admitted ahead of his DUI arrest that he had a drinking problem. Shia seemed to be aware that he needed to quit, and said that no “iconic actors… have problems like that.”

Peter Rubin sat down with Shia LaBeouf in May of 2008 to discuss the young star’s rise to fame for the September 2008 issue of Details. Below is an excerpt from Shia’s cover story for Details:

The script rarely gets away from LaBeouf. It got away from him in Chicago last November, when a late-night nicotine jones ended in that trespassing charge. (“It was two hotheads,” he says, “one completely in the wrong, one who wasn’t enjoying his job that night, going at it about minuscule bullshit.”) And the glee with which the mainstream news media, itching for a YOUNG ACTOR FLAMES OUT headline, seized on it led to the end of one of his and his father’s longtime bonding rituals. “We would drink together and smoke together,” LaBeouf says, “and it’s just a bad deal. It’s not something that is conducive to being a role model—no iconic actors that I know of have problems like that. And I don’t know how to do it like a gentleman. I don’t know how to have one drink.”


There’s a lot at stake for Shia, and he realized ahead of his DUI that he needs to change if he wants to embrace the success he’s had in life. Maybe this will be the wake up call he needs.

Shia’s dad lives in his garage when it’s warm and he’s a former drug dealer and who turned his life around and became Shia’s manager when he needed an on-set guardian at 12. It doesn’t sound like he’s a good influence on Shia, and if addiction problems run in his family like there’s even more reason that he should seek treatment. I see a stint in rehab in his future.
