Shooting Video: Was Jeffrey Hash Arrested? Did Jason Walker Fayetteville NC Have Criminal Record?

Publish date: 2024-06-30

People demanded that Jeffrey Hash must be arrested after his shooting video was made public by a bystander in the Jason Walker murder. Continue reading the article to learn more about the case.

Deputy Jeffrey Hash is a lieutenant in the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Civil Section. 

He is currently held in an investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation in North Carolina. They are looking into the events that led up to Walker's death.

Shooting Video: Was Jeffrey Hash Arrested For Murder Of Jason Walker?

Jeffrey Hash, a North Carolina Sherrif's is not arrested for the murder of Jason Walker In Fayetteville NC. However, he is on administrative leave after he fatally shot a man while off-duty over the weekend.

The off duty murderer is named Jeffrey Hash a police officer on paid administrative leave (aka “good ole boy severance”) for hitting #JasonWalker with his truck then shooting Jason Walker in the back. #JusticeforJasonWalker
Hash needs to be arrested and charged with MURDER

— Cinquante19 (@Cinquante19) January 10, 2022

The shooting video was taped by one of the passersby, which has gone viral over time. However, according to Jeffrey, the video was taken only after the shooting which does not depict the action Jason had performed prior to shooting. 

Hash told a Fayetteville police officer that Walker hopped onto the hood of his vehicle, pulled off the windshield wiper, and started hitting on the windshield.

His action urged the deputy to shoot him and call 911.

The deputy was in the car with his daughter when Walker was screaming and grabbed his car's windshield wipers.

People are protesting in support of Jason Walker and are demanding the arrest of the deputy officer. They are marching from Fayetteville City Hall to the Market House on Tuesday.

Did Jeffrey Hash Victim Jason Walker Fayetteville NC have Criminal Record?

Jeffrey Hash's victim, Jason Walker from Fayetteville NC seems to have no criminal record as of now. If there were any reports, it would have already been in the news. 

Walker a 37 year of man was unarmed when he was shot and killed in front of his home on Bingham Drive on Saturday afternoon by an off-duty Cumberland County deputy.

Update: Fayetteville, NC | "Following days of protests after off-duty deputy Jeffrey Hash executed a Black man (Jason Walker) in North Carolina last weekend, the city's council has asked the U.S. DOJ to become involved in the investigation."

— #ACAB (@OLAASM) January 12, 2022

The community is still trying to figure out what happened, but they do know Walker was unarmed when he was killed by an armed motorist. 

A person with no criminal record and unarmed was killed in the broad daylight in front of his home, people are demanding justice.

"The other fact that we're still grappling with as a community is that after Jason was killed, the armed killer who shot him was let go," McMillan said.

Elizabeth Ricks, a girlfriend of a passerby who recorded the shooting video, claimed she tried to help Walker after he was hit by the truck and pushed onto the hood.

But out of nowhere, Hash stepped out and fired several shots at him.

However, during a press conference on Sunday, Police Chief Gina Hawkins stated that the hood of Hash's truck did not register to hit "any person or thing".

And Walker's only injuries were gunshot wounds.

Jeffrey Hash Wife And Child Was With Him In Car: Family Details

Jeffrey Hash was a 35 years old father to his daughter and a great husband to his wife. His family was with him in the car when Jason started hopping and screaming in their hood.

Jason Walker Shot By Off-Duty Cop Jeffrey Hash in ...

Is this Lt. Jeffrey Hash that hit and murdered Jason Walker as he wife twirled her hair?

— Janice Mayle (@mayle_janice) January 12, 2022

The name of his family is not revealed to the public at the moment because of privacy issues.

"Right now, I'm attempting to protect my daughter and my wife, people are hostile," Hash told the 911 operator after the incident.

We will update you with further information on the case as soon as more information is made available to the public. 
