Watch: Cara Delevingne awkward interview

Publish date: 2024-06-18

In a recent promotional interview for her upcoming film Paper Towns,  Cara Delevingne suffered an awkward encounter with some rude and seemingly uninformed US television presenters.

Speaking to Good Day Sacramento, the interview got off to a bad start as the host, Marianne McClary, mistakenly called Cara “Carla Delevingne”. Of course, Cara was unimpressed but gracefully ignored the error and continued politely.

However, the interview only went downhill from there as the hosts proceeded to ask Cara a collection of ignorant questions, which included asking whether she had read the book and suggesting that she was no longer excited about the film’s release.

Host Marianne McClary even stated that Cara seemed “a bit irritated” to which the model/actress replied “Yeah, I think it’s just you.” SLAY.

Co-host Mark S Allen also appeared to be totally uninformed on Cara’s successful career as he suggested that people will only recognise her from Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood music video. British Model of the Year, anyone?

After numerous rude comments from the interviewers, Cara disconnected her camera, only to still receive insults from the TV hosts.

You can watch the entire interview here:

It was clear that the American presenters didn’t quite get Cara’s jokes. Cara herself acknowledged this by tweeting, “Some people just don’t understand sarcasm or the British sense of humour.” [Twitter, @Caradelevingne].

She has since received huge amounts of support from fans and friends. Don’t let them get you down, Cara!

Paper Towns is released in UK cinemas on August 17.
