Where is William Shane Parker now?

Publish date: 2024-06-05

In March 2022, William Shane Parker, the alleged shooter in connection to Raul Guillen's 2020 Fourth of July murder case, was convicted on two counts - second-degree murder with a firearm and tampering with evidence.

Guillen was shot in the back of the head and buried in a shallow grave in Holmes County by Parker. The latter then buried his body with the assistance of another man named Jeremie Peters and their third accomplice, Lauren Wambles. The victim was reported missing by his daughter, and his rotting remains were eventually found at the end of August 2020.

Parker was then sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. According to reports, he was transported to the Florida Department of Corrections, where he remains serving his lengthy sentence to date.

An upcoming true-crime series called Floribama Murders, scheduled to premiere this Saturday, January 7, 2023, at 9 pm ET on Oxygen, will chronicle Raul Guillen's disappearance and subsequent murder case. The synopsis for the episode, titled Jackson County Injustice, states:

"Investigators from three separate counties along the Floribama border team up with the daughter of a missing Jackson County, Florida, man to uncover how the fireworks at a 4th of July celebration ended in murder."

This article will further delve into Guillen's murder, the conviction of William Shane Parker, and everything in between.

William Shane Parker shot Raul Guillen in the back of the head, tortured him, and then buried his body with the help of an accomplice

When an investigation led detectives to Peters' 1101 Highway 171 home, where 51-year-old Raul Guillen was last spotted, it led to the arrest of William Shane Parker in August 2020. He was apprehended alongside his accomplices Jeremie Odell Peters and Lauren Wambles, a former adult film star. Upon further investigation into two properties on Highway 171, including Peters', authorities found more evidence connected to Guillen's killing.

Using the assistance of rescue cadaver dogs, authorities located Guillen's decomposing remains in a shallow grave located off Kirkland Road in northern Holmes County. Guillen's rotting remains were then positively identified and it was alleged that the victim was slain sometime around the July 4 holiday in 2020. However, his remains were not recovered until the end of August.

The State presented six witnesses to the stand at William Shane Parker's March 2022 trial. The victim's daughter, Rosa Ambriz, was the first to testify, followed by the accused's then-girlfriend Lauren Wambles, who told the court that she saw Parker with the pistol and Guillen fall to the ground. She reportedly stated:

"Raul was shooting off fireworks, and Shane walked up behind him and pointed the gun at his head. I ran over beside the truck, covered my ears, and closed my eyes because I don’t like loud noises. They scare me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Raul fall backwards to the ground."

In her testimony, Wambles claimed that the four of them, including Raul Guillen, were substance (meth) abusers. According to her, Parker and Peters discussed murdering Guillen because they thought he was a threat to them. On July 4, 2020, Wambles said she heard Parker shoot the victim in the back of the head, but the gunshot failed to kill him. Her then-boyfriend then crammed dirt into Guillen's nose and mouth.

Where is William Shane Parker now?

After a two-day trial, William Shane Parker was found guilty and sentenced on March 22. According to the case's lead investigator, who interrogated Parker for hours, he eventually admitted to shooting Guillen and provided a graphic and comprehensive narrative of the crime in his confession.

Parker, who was initially charged with second-degree murder with a firearm and tampering with evidence, was convicted on all counts and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the initial charge. For the second charge, he was given a five-year term to serve consecutively. He was transferred to the Florida Department of Corrections, where he is currently serving his sentence.

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