Who won Jeopardy! tonight? November 29, 2022, Tuesday

Publish date: 2024-06-27

A new episode of Jeopardy! Season 39 was aired on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, which was hosted by Ken Jennings.

The game show is the longest-running Emmy-winning television program that earlier used to air on NBC (1964–1979). In 1984, Jeopardy! returned, but as a syndicated TV show. The official synopsis of the competition series reads:

“The host tests the knowledge of the contestants on a wide range of subjects and the winner gets to claim the title and keep the prize money.”

On November 29, the game show welcomed back 16-day winner Cris Pannullo to play against two new players — Matt Harvey and Sheila Anderson. While Harvey is a healthcare administrator from Providence, Rhode Island, Anderson is a philanthropic advisor from Seattle, Washington.

Today's Jeopardy! winner is Cris Pannullo

Cris Pannullo and Matt Harvey had a close match in the November 29 episode. The returning champion initially struggled with incorrect answers, but soon got to his rhythm.

In the latest episode, the categories for the first round included “Politicians Back In The Day, We Make That Vehicle, Annual Events, Tv Cartoon Villains, How Tall/Long/High?, “Give” Or “Take”.”

It was surprising to see Cris delivering three incorrect responses. Although he gave 12 correct answers, he landed in second place in the first round. His round 1 score was $4,400, while Matt topped the scoreboard as he banked $6,400 by correctly answering 10 questions. Sheila Anderson came in third place as she gave five correct and two incorrect responses, banking $1,800 in round 1.

In the second round, the categories were “German Cities, Cast Upon The Waters, Nobel Literature Prize Winners, Huff & Puff, Molecules, More Than One Silent Letter.”

Cris and Matt had a head-to-head competition in the Double Jeopardy round. Both got Daily Doubles. While Matt didn’t wager a higher amount and played safe, Cris went for a big bet and won. The Daily Double helped Crto take the lead in round 2. His total score was $24,000, and Matt’s was $21,400. Sheila was far behind her competitors as her score was $4,200.

The Final Jeopardy turned out to be unlucky for Matt. The latter failed to give a correct answer to the final question and lost around $12,000 from his today’s total score. Sheila and Cris delivered the right answer, but the former didn’t wager a penny, thus, her score didn’t change. However, the returning champion’s total doubled up.

Hence, Cris Pannullo won Jeopardy! today.

Cris Pannullo: Tonight's winner (Image via Jeopardy)

Final Jeopardy! results today

In the November 29 episode, the category for the final round was “Names in U.S. History,” and the final clue read:

“This father was the only man among the 13 plaintiffs in a class-action case filed in 1951.”

The answer to the final question was “Oliver Brown.”

While Cris and Sheila gave the correct answer, Matt wrote, “James.” Take a look at the final results of the November 29 episode:

Cris Pannullo: $24,000 + $20,000 = $44,000 (Who is Brown) (17-day total: $610,344)

Matt Harvey: $21,400 – $12,999 = $8,401 (Who is James)

Sheila Anderson: $4,200 + $0 = $4,200 (Who is Brown?)

Cris won today’s game and became the 17-day champion, banking a total amount of $610,344. He broke the record of season 38’s third-highest scorer Mattea Roach’s total score ($570,983) that she achieved in 23 games. Cris has also earned a spot in the Tournament of Champions.

Meanwhile, the customer success operations manager from Ocean City, New Jersey, will return for his 18th game on Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

Jeopardy! airs new episodes from Monday through Friday.

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