Who won Jeopardy! tonight? October 28, 2022, Friday

Publish date: 2024-06-14

Jeopardy! returned with the Second Chance tournament’s new episode on Friday, October 28, 2022. The episode welcomed back this week's three finalists.

In the two-day finals, Rowan Ward won the first day of the finale episode, which was held on Thursday, October 27, 2022. Today’s winner was decided by adding the total scores of the previous episode to the latest one.

The players of Friday’s episode were:

Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Rowan Ward

After performing wonderfully on Thursday’s episode, Rowan Ward continued to win hearts with their intelligence in the last day of this week’s finals.

The categories of the first round in the October 28 episode were “Picture The No. 1 Hit, Books & Authors, You Move Me, In The Science Dictionary, From The Latin, The Strongest Link.”

Jack Weller answered only five clues, but he managed to double up his score in the tenth question. His round 1 total was $4,800, while Sadie Goldberger banked $2,600 by answering six low-valued clues. Rowan, as usual, was in the lead with a maximum number of correct answers, banking $6,800.

In the second round, the categories included “Days Of Yore, State Capital Attractions, Tv Law, African-American Firsts, Myth-Pourri, ‘Second’ Chances.”

Jack made a surprising comeback in the Double Jeopardy round by scoring $29,400. He was on a roll with the signaling device and also got lucky with a Daily Double worth $7,000. Jack even beat Rowan in this round as the latter banked $20,000. Sadie landed in third place with $5,000 to her credit.

The Final Jeopardy round was a disappointment as none of the players could correctly answer the final question. While Rowan was smart enough not to bet their entire winning amount, Sadie and Jack put it all in the final round and scored $0.

Hence, Rowan Ward won Jeopardy! today.

Rowan Ward: Tonight's winner (Image via Jeopardy)

Final Jeopardy! results today

The final question/clue of the final round in the October 28 episode was from the category “Artists.” The clue read:

“Sabena Airlines commissioned a painting by this artist, "L'Oiseau de Ciel," a bird whose body is filled with clouds in a blue sky.”

The correct answer to the final clue was “René François Ghislain Magritte.”

It seemed like a difficult final round, as Rowan and Sadie guessed, “Picasso,” while Jack just wrote “Pi.” None of the contestants gave the correct answer and thus, those who had wagered money, ended up losing the amount.

Take a look at the final results of the October 28 episode:

Rowan Ward: $20,000 – $12,201 = $7,799 + $30,000 = $37,799 (Who is Picasso???) (WINNER)

Sadie Goldberger: $5,000 – $5,000 = $0 + $4,800 = $4,800 (Who is Picasso?)

Jack Weller: $29,400 – $29,400 = $0 + $3,400 = $3,400 (Who is Pi)

At the end of today’s episode, host Ken Jennings announced Rowan as the winner of the Week 2 Second Chance tournament.

They will join Week 1 winner Jessica Stephens in the Tournament of Champions, which is all set to begin on Monday, October 31, 2022.

Meanwhile, Season 39 of the syndicated game show, which was put to a halt due to the Second Chance competition, will have to continue waiting for the release of a new episode as the Tournament of Champions commences next week.

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